Forrest Collins, PC
Working with a Collaborative Attorney
The mediation process is a constructive, problem-solving process rather than an adversarial one. Clients are encouraged...
Using a Child Specialist in Mediation
Divorce is hard on everyone - especially children. The child specialist is a neutral third...
Using a Financial Neutral in Mediation
The financial neutral is a neutral third party financial professional who can assist with optimizing...
Using a Divorce Coach in Mediation
Imagine that your spouse just asked you for a divorce yesterday. Would you be ready...
General vs. Detailed Parenting Plans
Parenting plans can be either very detailed or very general. A detailed parenting plan is...
Inviting Someone Into Mediation
One of the most common questions that people have is, “How do I get the...
Dividing Personal Property During Your Divorce
A year from now the way you divided personal property in your divorce probably won’t...
Mediating Prenuptial Agreements
Let’s face it – prenuptial agreements are not the most romantic things in the world. ...