Additional Resources
This page provides a number of different resources that may be helpful in your divorce or custody process.
Parent Education Class Information. Each county has a mandatory parent education class which must be taken before a judge will sign your judgment. This form includes a list of the classes for all counties in Oregon. You do not have to complete this class before entering mediation, although some clients prefer to do so. Some counties will waive this requirement if your child is seventeen. If one parent is out of state it is typically acceptable to take an equivalent class in the state where that parent resides as long as you provide proof of completion to the court.
Parenting Plan Website. This link takes you to the Oregon Judicial Department Parenting Plan website. This free resource provides you with information and forms to develop your own parenting plan. Some people prefer to develop their parenting plan in mediation. The two of you should create your parenting plan in whatever way makes you most comfortable (creating it your own or creating it in mediation). If you create your own parenting plan please bring it with you so it can be incorporated into the final documents. The forms through the parenting plan website are optional.
Additional Resources
This page provides a number of different resources that may be helpful in your divorce or custody process.
Parent Education Class Information. Each county has a mandatory parent education class which must be taken before a judge will sign your judgment. This form includes a list of the classes for all counties in Oregon. You do not have to complete this class before entering mediation, although some clients prefer to do so. Some counties will waive this requirement if your child is seventeen. If one parent is out of state it is typically acceptable to take an equivalent class in the state where that parent resides as long as you provide proof of completion to the court.
Parenting Plan Website. This link takes you to the Oregon Judicial Department Parenting Plan website. This free resource provides you with information and forms to develop your own parenting plan. Some people prefer to develop their parenting plan in mediation. The two of you should create your parenting plan in whatever way makes you most comfortable (creating it your own or creating it in mediation). If you create your own parenting plan please bring it with you so it can be incorporated into the final documents. The forms through the parenting plan website are optional.

Applicable Statutes
Mediation Confidentiality – ORS 36.220 and ORS 36.222. These statutes describe important confidentiality laws that apply to your divorce mediation.
Mandatory Discovery – ORS 107.089. There should be an exchange of information in every divorce case. This statute describes the basic financial information that needs to be exchanged when parties get divorced in Oregon. Parties have the right to waive this requirement if both of them agree to do so.
Temporary Restraining Order – ORS 107.093. When a case is filed there is an automatic “restraining order” which prevents both parties from changing or cancelling policies of insurance, changing beneficiaries, getting rid of assets, etc. In mediation and Collaborative Law cases, we agree to abide by this statute even though no case has actually been filed yet.